Alive scrolls

Alive scrolls

Its nothing much but a simple diary that i would like to try out=)

Monday, December 25, 2006 christmas..

morning was a blowout man..totally hated it..but well the aftnoon was fun! was buying groceries wif my family as linfeng came over to spend the day wif my folks..we played PS, intro him to warcraft n watch Click..again..haha..

n yea..angela like had over 40 over sms X'mas greetings la! haha..n i had like less than 6 =(

n guess wad i did wif my man linfeng last nite..we went to had dinner aft my work n we suddenly wanted to drink some alchoholic drink
so we were like wondering how to go abt it as we;re stil kinda under the bar..but we heck la so juz tried our luck at Cheers n wala! we got the drink! haha..we were like so happy til we find tt we cant really open his bottle..aft like 15 min...we finally did it n were so high somehow..hahait was fun la..=)

i hope u had fun today=)


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