Alive scrolls

Alive scrolls

Its nothing much but a simple diary that i would like to try out=)

Saturday, November 24, 2007

it seens centuaries seems i last blogged..simyee is right..
IT IS KINDA SCARY- no more wearin of MJ uniform(the buckle of my pants came off after the last time i washed it, wad an ending=( ),
no more rushing to school,
no more not-so-nice canteen food,
no more skipping out to eat at west plaza,
no more falling asleep durin lessons
no more Lt
no more bball life in Mj(its been long over though)
...many more...

looking back i (and i believe all those in jc) really sacrificed alot, in our own lil ways. it was madness, but now its over. 2 years has passed.
i'm really very happy to have made new friends in MJ, and sad for the ones i've lost.
as we move on in lfe, we'll prolly wun be able to hold on to ALL the friends who we tink are the best. we can only look at the (green light) and smile! haha
i do feel like gatsby sometimes though..


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